Finished Works, New Castle
Finishing works, opens the memo album. Summer 2017 will be remembered for a long time as the summer of great works for the Castle of Pognana. The oldest house of Pognana Lario has finally a new roof, new façades and an important goal, to continue, one step at a time, its path to the ancient splendor. Thanks to those who have given us, in friendship, their contribution to this tiring mission is as compelling as sincere and felt. “Lele, Ivan, David, Danny, Beppe, Georgi, Gianmario, Ciccio, Gerlando, Simone, Giuseppe, Cinzia …” your names will be sculpted in the memory of every single stone in the Castle.Of course, thanks to all the workers who worked in the yard at this time, deepening a tremendous effort to complete the work in the set times. And thanks to the community of Pognana Lario who, for three months, has endured the presence of a yard where there is usually peace and tranquility.