A stay in Pognana Lario will allow you to enjoy the charm of the beauty of Lake Como. The green mountains of the Larian Triangle, in fact, are reflected in the blue of the lake, giving suggestive and romantic places where history and beauty blend in surprising ways.
To learn more about Pognana Lario is a must visit to San Miro church situated in the village of Rovasco. Built in the twelfth century, it is situated along scenic trails and inside houses the Byzantine tradition frescoes depicting San Cristofero and the Madonna and Child.
The population of Canzaga are, however, the church of San Rocco, painted in 1400 by master Bartolomeo de Benzi. The 1965 restoration work gave the new works shine in colors and figures represented. From the church, there is also a stunning view across the Lake Como in all its beauty.
To those who love gastronomy and local cuisine, Pognana Lario offers some exciting opportunities: the Sunday after Easter, the “Festival of Cakes”; in June in the village of Quarzano, the “Festival of the bleak”; August 16 the “Gnocchi Festival”, organized in the oratory of the church of San Rocco.